FBTA invites: From crisis to the new normal - What to expect after covid-19, on 7 April 2021
When: on Wednesday 7 April 2021 at 15 – 16.30 (EET)
Where: Microsoft Teams
A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered closer to the event.
In addition to its health impacts, the COVID-19 pandemic has widely disrupted economic activity. This webinar will explore the role of technology, research and innovation in the recovery from COVID-19 as well as the “new normal” as societies start to slowly lift restrictions.
What will return to normal and what will change permanently? What is the role of the state, individual companies, and academia in the recovery of the society? At the event we will hear from two experts, Professor Carole Mundell, Chief International Science Envoy, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and Dr Martti Hetemäki, Professor of Practice at the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics.
The event will be co-hosted by H.E. Mr Tom Dodd, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Finland, and moderated by Ms Susanna Korpivaara, Chair of the Finnish-British Trade Association.
Please join us at this webinar hosted by the Finnish-British Trade Association in partnership with the British Embassy Helsinki.
15.00 Welcome by Susanna Korpivaara, Chair, FBTA
15.05 Tom Dodd, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Finland
15.15 Carole Mundell, Chief International Science Envoy, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
15.45 Martti Hetemäki, Professor of Practice, the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics
16.15 Q & A
16.30 Webinar ends
Please sign up for the event by 5 April 2021.
If you are unable to attend yourself, feel free to forward this invitation to a relevant person in your organization.
The Finnish-British Trade Association
More information about the event from
Jenni Isola, jenni.isola ( a ) chamber.fi

Chief International Science Envoy
Professor Carole Mundell was appointed Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in October 2018 and took up the role of International Science Envoy in January 2021.
She is Professor of Extragalactic Astronomy, Head of Astrophysics at the University of Bath and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. A world-leading scientist, she is a frequent guest speaker at international conferences. She sits on a number of strategic advisory panels for UK and international groups, is a committed communicator of science, and is an advocate for diversity in science.

Doctor of Social Sciences
Martti Hetemäki has been appointed as professor of practice at the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE) as of 1 July 2020. The professorship is shared equally by the University of Helsinki and Aalto University.
From 2013, Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki has directed the work of the Ministry of Finance of Finland. On July 2020, he relinquished his position.
Hetemäki has had a noteworthy career in the service of the Ministry. Before being appointed as permanent secretary, he served as an under-secretary and, prior to that, as director general of the Economics Department, among other positions. Hetemäki has also been the chair of the board of Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund.