Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce webinar with JETRO: Economic outlook for 2022 on Jan 19, 2022
The Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce invites its members to a webinar with an economic update from JETRO.
We are honored to hear from Mr Masahide Sakishige, Deputy Director-General of Japan External Trade organization (JETRO) London office. Mr Sakishige will give an update on the current economic situation in Japan, the improvement of business environment, business opportunities with Japan and JETRO support for Finnish companies.
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 11.30 – 12.30.
Venue: Microsoft Teams webinar
A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered closer to the date.
11.30 Welcome by Mr Juha Pitkänen, Chair, Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce
11.35 Presentation by Mr Masahide Sakishige, Deputy Director General, JETRO, London
12.15 Q&A
12.30 Webinar ends
Registrations by January 14th HERE.
Please note that the event has been changed from a luncheon event to a webinar.
Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce
More information about the event: jenni.isola (a)

Mr Masahide Sakishige
Masahide leads Investment and Trade operations at JETRO London, with responsibilities for promoting foreign direct investment into Japan by the UK and Nordic businesses and open innovation between Japanese corporates and foreign start-ups through facilitating collaboration and alliances. He joined JETRO in 2000 and was the resident representative of JETRO Colombo in Sri Lanka from 2009 to 2014.