Invitation to the Finnish-British Trade Association Annual General Meeting on 3 June 2021
Dear members,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the FBTA annual general meeting.
When: on Thursday 3 June 2021 at 11.30 am
Where: Microsoft Teams
The agenda for the annual meeting can be found below. The link to join the meeting and annual meeting materials will be sent to those registered.
After the meeting, we will hear from H.E. Mr Tom Dodd, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Finland, who will reflect on his time as HM Ambassador to Finland and the future of co-operation between the UK and Finland. Mr Dodd has been Ambassador to Finland since 2018 and his posting here will come to an end this summer.
11.30 Welcome by Susanna Korpivaara, Chair, FBTA
11.35 FBTA annual general meeting
12.00 Tom Dodd, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Finland
12.45 Event ends
Please sign up for the event by 1 June 2021.
The Finnish-British Trade Association
More information about the event from Jenni Isola jenni.isola ( a )
1 Opening of the meeting
2 Election of Chairman for the meeting
3 Election of Secretary for the meeting
4 Election of scrutinisers for the minutes of the meeting
5 Legality of the meeting
6 The presentation of the 2020 Annual Report
7 The adoption of the 2020 Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Report
8 Discharge from liability for the Board
9 2021 budget and activities
10 Membership fees for 2021
11 Election of Board members
12 Election of Auditors for 2021
13 Amending the Bylaws of the Association
14 Any other items
15 Closing of the meeting