Time and place: 28th June -13th July, 2023 in Tanzania.
The Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Sweden is happy to invite you again to the 47th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair from 28th June -13th July, 2023 in Tanzania.
Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) is an annual event organized by Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TANTRADE) in collaboration with public and private sectors each year from 28th June to 13th July.
The main objective of the DITF is to facilitate exhibitors to showcase and demonstrate their goods, services and technology, attain new markets and explore new opportunities.
Exhibits in the trade fair covers a wide range of products such as agricultural products, foodstuffs and beverages, textiles, garments and yarns, manufactured products, furniture, construction materials, automobiles, electrical goods and appliances, chemicals, cosmetics, timber and furniture, trade services, engineering products, machinery, electronics, computer software and handicrafts.
Number of visitors averages to 300,000 and exhibitors profiles range from Importers, wholesalers, agents, traders, consumers, business executives, Governments Officials, Diplomats, Political Leaders and members of the general Public.
DITF as an international trade promotion platform is the largest of its kind in the Eastern and Central African Region in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors.
For more information on Exhibitor charges, Co-Organizers package, participation space, costs of participation please visit Terms of Participation and download the Application Forms (Foreign Exhibitors) for 47th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair 2023.
We invite you to contact the Embassy if you need support.