WEBINAR: Industrial water circularity in Morocco; opportunities for collaboration between Finnish and Moroccan companies in sustainable water management
TIME: 24th May, 11:00 UTC +1 (Rabat) / 13:00 UTC +3 (Helsinki)
Morocco is highly affected by climate change and among the most water stressed countries in the world, but also one the most advanced in looking for solutions to tackle the impact. Morocco’s quickly modernizing and large industrial sectors are at the forefront in finding and implementing sustainable solutions for water resource management. Finland is a forerunner in water-related circular economy and resource efficiency. There are clear synergies to increase collaboration between the two.
Finnish Water Forum (FWF) is a platform for cooperation of companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific institutes and water-related associations aiming to find solutions for global water challenges, through Finnish know-how and technology.
Finnish Water Forum, together with Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland in Morocco are excited to invite you to the virtual event: “Industrial water circularity in Morocco; opportunities for collaboration between Finnish and Moroccan companies in sustainable water management”.
During the event, experts will be presenting opportunities in the Moroccan industrial water sector, and showcasing Finnish expertise and innovative water management solutions with a focus on circular economy. The event will allow an initial exchange on water circularity in some of Morocco’s key industrial sectors to identify collaboration opportunities.
The webinar is ideal for Finnish companies with the interest and capacity to expand to this promising market, and Moroccan companies, authorities, research institutes, and others interested in Finnish innovations in water circularity and sustainable water management.

13:00 Innovative Finnish Water Offering – Mr Karim Ali, MENA Regional Manager, Finnish Water Forum
13:15 Overview of the opportunities in the water sector in Morocco – Professor Abdelhafid Debbarh, The International University of Rabat
13:25 Water circularity opportunities in the mining industry in Morocco – Mr Anasse Ait Lemkademe, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and Mr ElGhali Bennouna, Green Energy Park
13:35 Sustainable management of water in industrial zones – Mr Nasser Tlassellal, Managing Director of Tanger Med Engineering
13:45 What perspectives for water circularity in agriculture in Morocco? – Mr Mohamed Ali Hatimy, Co-Founder, Nechfate, AgroParisTech – Sciences Po
13:55 Case Studies from Finland: How can data and digital solutions benefit water management? – Dr. Patryk Wojowicz, Savonia University of Applied Sciences presenting Smart Water Management Project (Nokia, Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT, and Savonia)
14:05 Case studies from Finland: Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) to sustainably manage groundwater resources – Dr. Philipp Schmidt-Thome, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
14:15 Q&A
You can see the event website for more information.
Karim Ali
MENA Regional Manager
Finnish Water Forum
karim.ali (at) finnishwaterforum.fi