26-05-16 | 10:30 h – 11:30 h

! This webinar will not take place on Tuesday (12 April), but is rescheduled for 26th of May

What is Japan’s FDI policy and its aim in attracting European investment in Japan?

Under the strong leadership of PM Shinzo Abe, Japanese government has been aggressively promoting its inward FDI to attract foreign direct investment. A variety of incentives and support services were introduced, especially for those segments which government tries to grow as the next national industry. This research provides the information on GOJ’s FDI promotion policy, incentive programs and support services.  It focuses on investment projects which are to set up R&D centres and headquarters in Japan.

The webinar is targeted to EU companies that are considering investing in Japan. Especially, for those companies that are looking for useful information on Japan’s FDI promotion policy and incentive programmes.

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:

  •  Japan’s FDI policy and Government’s targets
  •  Incentive programmes and available free support services
  •  how to find business partners in Japan
  •  potential opportunities for European companies


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion


Speaker: Megumi TAKAYAMA, Senior Researcher,Tepia Corporation Japan
Organiser: EU-JAPAN CENTRE for Industrial Cooperation – EU-based Office (Brussels)