FBTA celebrates its 90 Years
Over 50 guests joined a reception at the British Embassy, with Minister for Foreign Trade and Development as Key Note Speaker

FBTA, the oldest trade association in Finland, celebrated its 90 years with an anniversary reception organised at the British Embassy on the 12th October 2022. FBTA was founded in 1931 by Finnish businessmen and bankers, but the official establishment and the first general meeting took place in 1932.
HMA Theresa Bubbear’s opened the event by welcoming all guests. This was followed by a short historic run through of the association by the Chair of Board for FBTA, Ms. Susanna Korpivaara. Korpivaara predicted that if the world continues in the current crisis mode, the need for trade promotion and collaboration will increase, once again. Ms Korpivaara also presented the association’s new value proposition.
A key note was given by Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Mr. Ville Skinnari. He pointed out that that we are in a new era of partnerships in the international trade, with many opportunities ahead of us and not only in the capitals but all over the countries.