
Survey on existing market access barriers that EU companies face in entering the Canadian market

The online survey is being conducted to get feedback on existing market access barriers that EU companies face in entering the Canadian market (CETA Market Access Barriers). If you are aware of any such barriers or if you would like to report any trade or investment barriers you have encountered in entering the Canadian market, you can do so via the following link before the end of June 2018: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CETAProgramSurvey2017

Input from EU businesses and business networks is highly valued. Your reply to this survey is important and we thank you in advance for your contribution.

The results of the study will help to provide recommendations to the EU Institutions, EU business associations, networks and chambers for defining adequate mitigating strategies.

This consultation process is being conducted in the framework of the CETA Market Access Program for EU Businesses. For background information including the details of the program, please refer to the project website here: