Uruguay has positioned itself as a leader in the region and an international benchmark in the development of Digital Government, based on a strategy reflected in successive strategic plans and digital agendas, the development of platforms, products, solutions and good practices that cut across the State; and the incorporation of Information Technologies and the generation of management capacities of the same in public bodies.

In 2020, more than 70% of people used some Digital Government service and, particularly, the pandemic situation experienced since March of that year, also drives the need for and adoption of digital services.

In this framework, in May 2021, the AGESIC (Electronic Government Agency and the Information and Knowledge Society of Uruguay) published its Digital Government Plan for 2025, which aims to deepen the digital transformation of the State and provide sustainability to the progress made so far.

One of the lines of action is Cybersecurity. The main objectives of this line of action are:

Strengthen the National Information Security Incident Response Center of Uruguay (CERTuy), multiplying its response and monitoring capacity in order to minimize incident detection and response times, reducing risks and generating significant savings for the country. Automate responses to incidents and use Artificial Intelligence for pattern detection. Incorporate data analytics to make projections and anticipate incidents.

Strengthening of the cybersecurity ecosystem, designing a training curriculum for cybersecurity specialists and promoting their incorporation into tertiary and university technical education.

Install and make available to the public/private ecosystem an attack simulation training platform and a cybersecurity knowledge and awareness platform.

Adoption of the country’s Cybersecurity Framework in different verticals such as government, health, telecommunications and finance. In collaboration and agreement with the regulators of each sector, carry out audits of its compliance, and prepare action plans that allow the prevention and treatment of risks, based on management objectives.

Evolve and strengthen the Identity and Digital Signature platforms in order to achieve universalization at the national level, promoting their use, strengthening integration mechanisms with other public or private digital solutions.

WHO – Electronic Government and Information and Knowledge Society Agency of the Presidency of the Republic of Uruguay (AGESIC)

OFFER –  Additional Information regarding Cybersecurity in the Uruguayan Digital Government Plan for 2025. 
FUTHER INFORMATION – See attachment, and visit this site and this one.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Embassy of Uruguay in Helsinki; contact details can be found here.