Date: Tuesday 4.4.2023

Time: 15:00 – 16:30 (Finland) / 9:00 – 10:30 (Brazil)

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Language: English


As one of the world’s largest economies, Brazil has important advantages as a business destination: large and unified market operating under a democratic regime with low geopolitical risks. The performance of the Brazilian economy in 2023 will be affected by world geopolitics and the priorities defined by the new federal administration which took office on 1 January. The most immediate domestic challenge will be fiscal consolidation while a highly anticipated tax reform is expected to also be a top agenda priority.

The bilateral trade between Brazil and Finland is characterised by a high degree of complementarity. Main Finnish exports to Brazil include mechanical appliances, fertilisers, electrical machinery, pharmaceutical products, paper and vehicles (tractors). Additionally, Finland has been an important source of foreign direct investment to Brazil in industries such as forestry, ICT, pulp & paper and mining. And new business segments such as aerospace & defence, energy, gaming and edtech are at an increasing momentum

At this event, you will learn about the current economic and political scenario in Brazil and what are the most potential business opportunities for Finnish companies in the coming years.


15:00 Opening Remarks
Ms. Kirsi Seppäläinen, Chair of the Finnish-Latin American Business Council

15:05 The first 100 days of the Lula government – domestic & foreign policy
HE. Johanna Karanko, Ambassador, Embassy of Finland in Brazil

15:30 Current and future economic prospects
Mr. Pedro Antonio G. V. Almeida e Silva, President, Eurochambers Brasil

15:50 Priority projects and opportunities for Finnish companies
Ms. Heidi Virta, Sr. Director & Head of Region Latin America, Business Finland

16:10 Q&A session

16:25 Closing Remarks
Ms. Kirsi Seppäläinen, Chair of the Finnish-Latin American Business Council


Finnish companies or individuals with commercial, political or cultural interest towards Brazil; specially those who seek contextual or analytical information about economic and business perspectives of the country.


  • To present Brazil’s current domestic and foreign policy from a Finnish perspective
  • To provide overview and prospects for Brazilian economy within the 2023-2026 timeframe
  • To highlight priority business opportunities for Finnish companies in Brazil
  • To showcase Brazil as a safe and prosperous destination to Finnish companies’ investments and business ventures

This event is arranged in cooperation with Business Finland and the Finnish-Latin American Business Council.


Natalia Araujo
Advisor, Business Finland Brazil (EET -5h)

natalia.araujo (at)
+55 11 93354 6015


Daphne Wang

Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland (at)

Original invitation can be found here.