Business Mission to EU-Philippines Business Summit in 3-4 October
The Philippine economy grew by nearly 7 percent in the first quarter this year, making it the fastest growing among 11 Asian countries during the period.
The EU-Philippines Business Summit (EPBS) 2016 would probably be the most important trade forum in the Philippines in 2016. It will be attended by European and Philippine key figures from the government and private sector. We are expecting at least three hundred fifty (350) participants to attend. The event will consist of two sessions. The morning sessions will facilitate dialogues with the country’s leading decision makers. The afternoon sessions will focus on the business opportunities that lie in the Philippines for EU businesses in the following six sectors: agriculture, energy, tourism, food & beverage, infrastructure & construction, and ICT-BPO-Creative industries. EPBS will be held at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel of Manila on October 4, 2016. All EU SMEs interested to learn about new business opportunities and catch them should be there! At the Business Summit on October 4 you will be able to learn more about Philippine trade regulations, to know the new guidelines/directions from the new government, to network with relevant key officials from government and private sectors, and participate in the discussions of business opportunities and issues in the sector breakout sessions.
In order to make this major event a unique opportunity for EU SMEs, the EU-Philippines Business Network has organized a full day B2B meeting event on October 3. At this event, which will be tailored to the companies’ specific business needs, they will have the opportunity to meet a number of local companies / potential business partners on one-to-one meetings. Overall, their two-day visit hopefully would provide a rich and fruitful experience of the general business environment in the Philippines!
The participation fee for the two-day activities is only 500 EUR, which is the Business Mission package subsidized by EPBN so we hope your companies would take advantage of this opportunity. Attached is the updated invitation flyer for the business mission.
More information:
We look forward to your continuing support.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
FIDEL VENTURA EU Outreach Officer |