Gain strategic intelligence on China’s business environment, engage with leading experts and network with peers and local business practitioners.

From November 10-13, CMG will hold the Europe-China Conference Shenzhen (ECCS), a compact 3-day business learning conference with high-value content presented by leading experts, site visits to leading local tech and “new economy” firms as well as networking time with your peers and European business practitioners in China. The conference content is designed to support European headquarters across corporate, investment and public sectors in times of strategic decision-making regarding China and centers on key contextual factors ranging from a rapidly evolving local market and competitive environment to China’s developmental challenges and persisting geopolitical tensions.

Our target groups are professionals holding managerial positions across sectors and functions in European institutions, primarily based in Europe.

Want to learn more what you can expect as a participant? Take the opportunity and dial in to one of our digital info event streams where you can also submit your questions.

The next event stream will be organized on Monday 8th July 2024 at 8:30-9:00 AM CEST.

Read more here.

If you’re interested in contributing to the conference as a partner, please contact Michael Settlen (