Nordic Conference "Decarbonizing the Transport" in Vilnius on 5th of May 2022
Dear members, partners and friends,
We are thrilled to invite you to the Nordic Conference “Decarbonizing the Transport”, organised by the Nordic Chambers of Commerce and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Lithuania, taking place on 5th of May 13:30-17:00 in Vilnius, physically and with possible remote participation. The event is powered by Neste, a global leader in renewable and circular solutions.
Lithuania and Nordic countries have had a long-lasting cooperation in the field of energy and climate. Therefore, we hope that this half-a-day event, focused on various challenges that the transport industry is facing in the light of decarbonization, will highlight some of the most important experiences and learnings that Lithuania may share with its neighbouring countries in the Nordic-Baltic region.
Among the invited speakers, we are hoping to see the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Employment in Finland, Vice Ministers from the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania. The possibility to participate in the conference has been confirmed by the Vice Minister from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, and the largest Nordic and local transport and logistics companies playing a key role in the Lithuanian market, to mention a few Neste, Scania, Volvo Trucks, Girteka and others. This event aims to initiate a dialogue between the decision-makers and the private sector and to pinpoint the most pivotal areas to be addressed in order to meet the ambitious climate targets set by the EU. Some of the key focus areas that will be discussed during the conference include: general insights into global climate-change-related challenges, transition to green economy, different alternatives and solutions at hand in order to reach climate neutrality, as well as different governmental and business collaboration examples to battle climate change.
The event is free of charge, to make sure to reserve your virtual and/or physical seat, please register here.
Hope to see you there!
Sincerely yours,
Organisers of the conference, the Nordic Chambers of Commerce and the Nordic Council of Minister’s Office in Lithuania.