River Defences - Q&A Session
Date: Thursday, January 19
Time: 10:00 Peru Time (-5UTC)
On Thursday, January 12, we held the Roadshow for the presentation of projects for the riparian defenses for the Rimac and Mala rivers in the Lima region, and the Chancay river in the Lambayeque region.
The event also set up an informative web portal on the procurement process, with information on the previous Roadshows, the Government to Government Agreement and the projects presented.
And continuing with the coordination with the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Kingdom Delivery Team, a Q&A session will be held for interested companies, after informing them of the existence of the informative website where they can download all the corresponding information on the projects.
For this reason, we invite companies interested in this procurement process to visit the informative web portal, so that during the question and answer session, our specialists can answer all your questions live.
The event will be shorter than a Roadshow, and will be a private session, in which we will give an introduction to G2G and the procurement process, followed by a brief presentation of the projects, in charge of the Integral Solutions sector. Finally, we will open a space of approximately 35 minutes, for questions from the guests.