Know where you are going: Understanding business culture leads to better sales on 8 OCT 2021
Dear business partner,
Expanding your business and entering new markets require ample resources and careful planning. Running a successful business in Finland does not automatically mean you will succeed with the same methods in other countries. After a thorough market analysis, the next step should be to know your business partners, the people living in your target country.
Please join us for a morning of expert intros to American, Central European, and Arabic business cultures, and learn how to get started in immersing yourself in the way business gets done in different parts of the world.
WHEN: On Friday, 8 October 2021 at 9.00 – 10.30 Helsinki time
WHERE: Microsoft Teams
A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered closer to the date.
At the webinar we will hear from four experts in the field of international business:
Ms Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, the CEO of Amcham Finland, and international network covering hundreds of companies, Dr Jan Feller, Managing Director of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce, which is a part of the bilateral network of german chambers of commerce abroad, Mag. Markus Nekham, Founder and CEO of NC8, a global cultural communications company based in Austria, and Dr Petra Turkama, Director of Innovation, Assistant Professor of Management at Abu Dhabi University, and the Chair of the Finnish Business Council in the UAE.
The webinar will be moderated by Ms Jenni Isola, who serves as a Senior Adviser International Affairs at the Finland Chamber of Commerce.
9.00 Welcome
Jenni Isola, Senior Adviser International Affairs, Finland Chamber of Commerce
9.05 Closing the Deal: The American way of Doing Business
Ms Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, CEO, Amcham Finland
9.25 Differences in Business Culture between Finland and Germany
Dr Jan Feller, Managing Director, German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce
joining by video presentation
9.45 Black Box Human – A closer look
Mag. Markus Nekham, Founder and CEO, NC8
joining by video presentation
9.55 The Dynamics of the Business Environment in the Gulf Countries
Dr Petra Turkama, Director of Innovation, Assistant Professor or Management, Abu Dhabi University, together with Radovan Endel, General Manager Peikko Middle East
10.15 Questions and discussion
10.30 Webinar ends
Please sign up for the webinar by 5 October 2021.
Feel free to forward the invitation to a relevant person within your organization
More information about the event: Jenni Isola, jenni.isola ( a )
More information about event partners:
Amcham Finland
German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce
Finnish Business Council UAE