SAKY invites: Annual meeting and Dubai Expo 2020 brief on April 27, 2021
Time: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 3 pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams webinar
SAKY is inviting all members to participate in the annual meeting.
Annual meeting documents and link to join will be sent to those registered.
After the annual meeting we will hear an update from Commissioner Severi Keinälä on the Dubai Expo 2020. Please join the discussion.
15.00 Welcome, Tytti Sirola, Chair, SAKY
15.05 SAKY annual general meeting
15.30 Severi Keinälä, Commissioner, Dubai Expo 2020 update
16.00 Questions and discussion
16.30 Event ends
Please sign up by April 24th.
More information about the event:
jenni.isola ( a ) chamber.fi , +358 45 126 7343
Tytti Sirola
Finnish-Arab Business Association