Demystifying Indian Market,
World’s Fastest Growing Major Economy
Team Finland India Day 21.4.2017
Time: 21.4.2017 at 8:30 – 13:00 (followed by networking luncheon)
Venue: Team Finland House, Auditorium, Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki

Is India a genuine opportunity also for Finnish companies? Why do other European countries believe in Indian market?

Come and hear from inspiring high-level speakers from India, from Finnish companies and from Team Finland India about business opportunities, success stories and challenges related to entering India ̶ the world’s fastest growing major economy.


More information here.

More information:
Ms Sirpa Kemppinen, Marketing Coordinator, Finpro, mob. +358 400 717 127

The event is organized by Finpro in co-operation with other Team Finland partners:
– Embassy of Finland in New Delhi
– Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
– Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
– Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation

and the Embassy of India in Helsinki and British & Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce in Finland