Finnish-Turkish Business Association: Your partner of choice for doing business between Finland and Türkiye

The Finnish-Turkish Business Association was established in 1963 with the aim of contributing to international trade and investment by connecting businesses in Türkiye with counterparts in Finland. Working in cooperation with the Finnish and Turkish chambers of commerce and various government ministries, the Finnish-Turkish Business Association promotes trade, industry, investment and economic cooperation between the Republics of Finland and Türkiye.

The primary goal of our activities is to support both large and small businesses by bringing together as many companies and individuals doing business between Finland and Türkiye as possible, sharing information about Türkiye’s market area and economic environment, and keeping our members up to date about the development of commercial legislation between the two countries. We also organise visits to the Business Association’s member companies and inform our members about current events, articles and publications, trade fairs, etc., related to Türkiye’s economic environment and foreign trade.

Business Association membership is open to companies, organisations and individuals interested in trade between Finland and Türkiye.

You can apply to become a member by clicking here.

3 reasons to join the Finnish-Turkish Business Association:

1. Membership provides the opportunity to make valuable contacts and to access the expert networks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Bank of Finland, the Finland Chamber of Commerce, FinnCham and Team Finland. In addition, our member events are an excellent forum for networking.
2. You will receive reliable, up-to-date information about Türkiye’s market situation, economy, commercial potential and risks.
3. Whether you represent a Finnish company in the Turkish market or a Turkish company looking to invest in Finland, you will have access to legal, financial and practical guidance to support your business goals across both countries.

Member events

The Business Association organises regular events for members with the purpose of providing up-to-date information about the Finnish and Turkish economies and the trade situation between the two countries. High-level representatives from the Finnish and Turkish embassies, Business Finland, various government ministries, private companies, and Turkish economic experts are invited to speak at these events. The events are also an excellent forum for our members to network and meet potential business partners.

Our annual membership fee is €200 for corporate members and €50 for individual members.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Finnish-Turkish Business Association!

Secretary General | Pääsihteeri | Baş sekreter
Ms. Anne Hatanpää
Email: anne.hatanpaa ( a )
Phone: +358 50 320 9539

Mr. Daniel A. Vahtera
Email: daniel.vahtera ( a )
Phone: +358 50 468 2944

Finnish-Turkish Business Association
c/o Finland Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1000

Business ID: 0291366-3