TEAM FINLAND VISIT TO BELARUS on September 12. 15.2016

Dear Madam/Sir,

Mr. Matti Anttonen, Under-Secretary of State for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland will visit Gomel and Minsk in Belarus with a Team Finland Business Delegation on September 12 – 15.2016. Finpro is inviting Finnish companies to join the Business Delegation in connection with this visit.

The invitation is extended to Finnish companies working on the following industry sectors:

  • Biomass-to-energy and waste-to-energy in municipal heating and power generation
  • Agricultural machinery and food processing technologies
  • Forestry machinery, sawmill equipment and machinery, forest biomass production and wood construction.

Companies from other industry sectors are also welcome to join the delegation.

Please read more on Belarus and the focus sectors in the attachment: WHY BELARUS

Finpro is responsible for the program of the business delegation. The 5th Economic Forum between Belarus and Finland will organized in Gomel on Tuesday, September 13 hosted by the Government of Belarus. The forum program will include a plenary session and several panel discussions on innovation, investment and business cooperation on the energy sector, food and agriculture, and forestry industries, followed by B2B meetings and a reception.  Gomel has a special free economic zone and is an important export region in Belarus ( Over 22% of Belarus’ output is generated in the region’s key industries of steel and rolled metal production, machine-building, chemical, timber, woodworking, and food industries.

In Minsk, the business delegates will have an opportunity to attend official meetings and a networking reception and to request sectoral meetings with local business leaders, organizations and authorities, which Finpro will organize in cooperation with the Embassy of Finland in Minsk and the local partners.

Finpro provides the following services for participants in the Business Delegation:

  • Arranging program;
  • Sector-specific group meetings with authorities and business leaders;
  • Inclusion of your company in the business delegation brochure which will be widely distributed during the visit;
  • Block reservation for the hotels in Gomel and Minsk;
  • Group ground transportation in Gomel and Minsk by bus, including transportation from Minsk to Gomel and back; and
  • Services of Finpro’s Industry Experts and Project Manager.

To cover the expenses, Finpro will charge a maximum participation fee of:

  • Small businesses and SMEs: EUR 750 + 24% VAT per person
  • Major companies: EUR 1300 + 24% VAT per person.

Finpro will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs of arranging the program and offered services. The invoiced fee does not exceed the amounts mentioned above.

The participation fee includes arrangements in Gomel and Minsk for September 12. – 15.2016. A 50 percent discount of the participation fee will be granted for each additional representative of your company. If the company will be represented by a person stationed in Belarus, a 25 percent discount will be granted. The discounts are not accumulative. The participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.

To express your interest in participating in this Team Finland visit, please register through this link by Friday, June 17, 2016:

While filling in information via the registration link, please note that all fields are mandatory in order to successfully complete your registration form; this includes e.g. your photograph for the business delegation brochure, company logo and profile. The system will send you automatically a confirmation note after your registration has been completed successfully. The Finpro terms and conditions are included in the electronic registration form.  The registration is binding.

Preliminary program framework:

Monday 12.9.2016

Helsinki – Gomel

Tuesday 13.9.2016


Wednesday 14.9.2016

Gomel – Minsk

Thursday 15.9.2016

Minsk – Helsinki

Departure from Helsinki
for Minsk – Direct flight at 16:35 – 18:00 hrs


Bus transportation to Gomel by bus (~4 hrs)


Internal Briefing in the bus


Arrival in Gomel ~ 23:00 hrs

5th Economic Forum between
Belarus and Finland

·         Plenary Session

·         Luncheon

·         Business Session by sectors &

·         B2B Meetings

·         Reception hosted by the
Governor of Gomel region

Sectorial meetings /
Company visits


Departure from Gomel for Minsk by bus


Official Meetings in Minsk

Sectorial Meetings


Networking Reception

Official meetings

Sectorial meetings


Departure from Minsk to Helsinki via Vilnius (bus to Vilnius ~4hrs)


Direct Flight Vilnius – Helsinki 18:05 – 19:20 hrs




Ulkoministeriön alivaltiosihteeri Matti Anttonen vierailee Team Finland-yritysvaltuuskunnan kanssa Gomelissa ja Minskissä Valko-Venäjällä 12.–15.9.2016. Finpro kokoaa alivaltiosihteerin mukaan lähtevän yritysvaltuuskunnan ja suunnittelee sen vierailuohjelman.

Finpro kutsuu mukaan vierailulle yritysvaltuuskunnan, joka edustaa seuraavia toimialoja:

  • Uusiutuva energia: biomassa-energia ja energiajäte kunnallisessa lämmön ja sähkön tuotannossa
  • Maatalous: maatalouskoneet ja elintarviketeollisuuden teknologia
  • Metsäteollisuus: metsäkoneet, sahalaitteet, puurakentaminen, biotalous.

Yritykset myös muilta toimialoita ovat tervetulleita mukaan vierailulle.

Vierailulle ilmoittaudutaan tämän sähköisen linkin kautta perjantaihin, kesäkuun 17, 2016 mennessä: Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Huomioikaa rekisteröintitietoja täyttäessänne, että kaikki pakolliset kentät on täytettävä, jotta ilmoittautuminen onnistuu. Systeemi antaa sähköisen vahvistuksen kun ilmoittautumisenne on onnistuneesti kirjattu ja kaikki pakolliset kentät täytetty.

Lue lisää Valko-Venäjästä ja toimialoista: WHY BELARUS

Lisätietoa vierailusta Finprossa antavat:

Kirsti Tarvainen, Marketing Manager, Business Delegations, +358 40 34 33 434

Aleksej Leppänen, Senior Advisor, +358 40 3433 361

Vytautas Adomaitis, Finpro Country Representative, +370 685 31959

Tanja Kyllönen, Project Coordinator, Business Delegations, +358 50 3530 391



Kehittämisavustusta ELY-keskuksesta

Suomessa toimivilla yrityksillä on mahdollisuus hakea kehittämisavustusta vienti- ja kansainvälistymishankkeisiin ELY-keskuksesta. Jos yrityksellä on käynnissä ELY-keskuksen rahoittama yrityksen kehittämisavustus/kansainvälistymishanke tai jos yritys suunnittelee sellaisen hakemista, nämä matkakulut voidaan soveltuvin osin sisällyttää avustuksen/uuden hakemuksen piiriin mikäli yritys on sisällyttänyt ko. alueen hakemuksensa kohdemaaksi. Avustushakemus on kuitenkin jätettävä ennen osallistumisvahvistusta.  ELY-keskuksen myöntämää tukea voidaan myöntää pääsääntöisesti enintään 50 % avustuksen piiriin hyväksyttävistä kuluista.  Lisätietoa avustushakemuksesta saatte alueenne ELY-keskuksesta:


Kirsti Tarvainen
Mobile: +358 403 433 434
Porkkalankatu 1 – FI-00180 Helsinki – Finland – Internet:
Tel: +358 294 6951 – Lync: +358 294 695 434